Barriers to Self Growth and Transformation

 The path of selfgrowth is similar to farming. What you will sow is what your will reap. 

This post is a reminder that you always have the power to choose to create your self growth journey and transform into your wholeness. 

The intention of the selfgrowth  is transformational and requires serious commitment and self responsibility. 

Here I am Sharing few aspects that can become roadblocks to self-growth. 

Following are some beliefs, thoughts and behaviors that can become  traps/barriers to self growth. 

"Being busy or Giving more importance to other work over  selfwork"

 "thinking I already know enough." 

"Thinking Been there Done that", 

"Focusing only on external experiences than internal experiences

"Thinking  I have been doing it all along, I am already enlightened", 

"Thinking I am already evolved, self-growth is for others"

"Holding on to old habits and behaviors", 

"Fear of losing identities /  attachments / facades / self constructs", 

"Fear of facing innately stored emotions like fear, shame, guiltangersadnessangerresentment, emotional trauma", 

"fear of ones dark side and discovering unconscious beliefs of worthlessness, powerlessness, helplessness"

"Not taking personal responsibility for selfwork"

"Keeping engaged in fun and recreation over self-growth"

"Denial, Resistance and Defensiveness on the need to grow and transform"

"Focusing only on outward achievements and success"

"Getting busy in family, work and worldly involvement and responsibilities than selfwork"

"Delaying selfwork with saying I will do it later /sometime / one day"

"Getting overwhelmed in repetitive thoughts, emotions and self-withdrawal "

"Getting involved in addictions of thoughts, emotions, mood disturbances, substance abuse, fulfilment of needs externally"

"Holding on the past Injustices, resentmentmemoriestrauma"

"Resistance to accept self, others and life as it is in the here and now"

"Focusing on changing others than self-transformation"

"Dependency on defining self through external Acceptance, Approval love and validation"

"Feeling hopeless, worthless, powerless and less than not good enough"

"Having grandiose self-importance, wishful/magic thinking, living in illusions about self and the world"

"Too much intellectualization, rationalization, interpretation of all experience in logic only"

"Looking at the world only through modelsconceptstheories and laws"

January 13, 2021
